by Bruce TaubmanAugust 1, 2016 Car Accidents, Personal Injury, Settlements/Resolutions, Workers' Comp0 comments
Taubman Law Car Accident and Ohio Workers’ Comp Settlements
In recent weeks, Taubman Law has settled five cases totaling over $178,000. The Ohio workers’ comp settlements accounted for $155,000 of that. Read More

Taubman Law Settles Three Car Accidents
Bruce Taubman and Taubman Law settled three soft tissue auto accidents in the last few days. Soft tissue auto accidents are accidents in which there are no broken or fractured bones, where the injury is not considered serious in nature. The first case involved a driver of a rental car whose not listed as a driver or insured with the vehicle when the vehicle was struck by a motorists failing to...Read More

by Bruce TaubmanFebruary 17, 2015 Client Testimonials, Settlements/Resolutions, Workers' Comp0 comments
$70,000 Settlement reached on an Ohio Workers Compensation Claim
$70,000.00 Workers Compensation Settlement obtained by Taubman LAw Bruce Taubman and Taubman Law settled a self-insured Ohio Workers’ Compensation claim for $70,000.00 which was allowed for a herniated disc in the cervical area and a psychological condition. This settlement occurred after the claimant had been on Temporary Total Disability (paid time off through the BWC) for over...Read More

Recent Ohio Workers’ Compensation Results
Workers’ Compensation Taubman Law recently attended a hearing in Akron at the Industrial Commission for a client whose 2001 workers’ compensation claim was set for a hearing on the additional allowance of post-operative heterotopic calcification of the right knee. Her claim had been allowed for a total knee replacement, but the passage of the years had caused her knee condition to...Read More

Settle your old Ohio Workers’ compensation claims for cash
Ring in the new year with extra money All 2010 Workers’ Compensation claims for state-funded employers are out of the experience on January 1, 2015. This means that the employer does not need to sign off on a C240. If you have a claim, let Taubman Law prepare the paperwork properly and exclude and/or include any other claims, and obtain max value for you. COMMON QUESTION we get asked at...Read More

Car Accident Settlements
Recent Car Settlements at Taubman Law Here at Taubman Law we pride ourselves in being able to get a resolution that makes our clients happy and whole. Whether, its a a jury trial, a workers compensation decision or a car accident settlement we want to make sure at the end our clients are happy. Recently we settled two car accident cases, we don’t write about every...Read More
by Bruce TaubmanNovember 24, 2014 Client Testimonials, Settlements/Resolutions, Workers' Comp0 comments
Injured Cleveland Firefighter and Police Officer
Workers Compensation updates for an Injured Cleveland Firefighter and Police Officer A city of Cleveland Firefighter came into our office in 2014 for a sprain of his right elbow that he suffered on the job in 2011. He was complaining of radiating pain from his elbow into his wrist. We knew that his claim should be amended to include new conditions but no medical existed to support any new...Read More

August 2014 Settlements
Just A Few of our August, 2014 Settlements including Car Accidents, Workers Compensation Settlements and more! Thomas Walsh Taubman Law settled a self insured claim for $57,500.00 after 25% of the working wage loss compensation had expired and before the injured worker was examined for PPD. The claim was allowed for multiple fractures of the right ankle which had surgical pins and...Read More

Bruce Taubman’s June 2014 Settlements
Just A Few of our June, 2014 Settlements including Car Accidents, Workers Compensation Settlements, PPD and TTD awards! We settled two workers’ compensation cases with a self insured employer for $8,250.00. One was a 2004 back strain where he was paid a previous 18% ppd and the other after he received 14% ppd for a strain of the right shoulder. As you can see if you work a claim...Read More

May 2014 Settlements
Here are a few our May 2014 Settlements, they include a dual car accident claim with a workers compensation claim, Workers Compensation Settlements, PPD and TTD awards and more! Pamela L. We settled a personal injury claim (car accident) for $7,500.00 that is also an ohio workers compensation claim. After numerous conversations with the BWC they agreed to $2483.54 in full satisfaction of a...Read More