Three new car accident cases close out the New Year
Bruce Taubman and Taubman finished 2014 with a a bang, Bruce Taubman signed up three new auto accident cases The first a Husband & Wife were injured when a United States Mail Carrier struck the rear end of our clients car stopped at a red light. Both parties suffered soft tissue injuries to their head and necks The Second car accident occurred on a freeway outside of Columbus, Ohio....Read More

Been in recent car accident?
Bruce Taubman and Taubman Law are here to help!! In recent news there have been two devastating car accidents in Columbus and Fairview. In Columbus, multiple people were injured and sadly one was killed on Broad Street at N. High Street when a pickup truck barreling down Broad Street hit a school bus in the intersection and pedestrians. The cause of the Columbus accident is still under...Read More

Sexual Harassment Claim Against Judge Horton of Columbus
Bruce Taubman, helping right a wrong in Columbus, Ohio Taubman Law is helping a young woman who was sexually harassed and subjected to a hostile work environment while employed as a bailiff for Columbus Common Pleas and Recently elected Court of Appeals Judge Timothy Horton. If you have even been subjected to unfair treatment at the hands of Judge Horton or any employer, contact...Read More

Car Accident Settlements
Recent Car Settlements at Taubman Law Here at Taubman Law we pride ourselves in being able to get a resolution that makes our clients happy and whole. Whether, its a a jury trial, a workers compensation decision or a car accident settlement we want to make sure at the end our clients are happy. Recently we settled two car accident cases, we don’t write about every...Read More

I was in a car accident, what should I do?
What should you do if you’re in a car accident? When it happens, injuries may be severe and emotions high. However, there are important things to do at the scene of the accident and soon afterward, below is a list of what we believe you should after being in an accident. As always we are available 24/7 to discuss your legal matters in person 1. Stop Never drive away from the scene of...Read More

Early Freezing Could Lead to Massive Pileups in Ohio
This blast, reminiscent of last January’s deep freeze in Ohio which set record freezing temperatures, comes too early for comfort. Leaves are still on the trees, and a snow dump is coming — a foot or more in parts of Minnesota and Wisconsin. The leaves can make the trees accumulate more snow, weighing branches down more than they would if they were bare. More falling limbs could...Read More

Bruce Taubman and Taubman Law have been busy lately
Here at Taubman law we have been very busy in the last week. We have signed up 2 new auto accident cases and a workers’ compensation claim, these cases are unique in nature and stick out from the ordinary car accident and workers compensation claims. The first auto accident involved a 38 year old male who had pre-existing herniated discs in 3 levels at both his neck and his lower back....Read More

Westlake, Ohio Bar Crash
What are my legal options if i Iwas an injured patron or guest at Dover Gardens Tavern on Detroit Road in Westlake? A reported stolen truck being pursued by police lost control and crashed into a Westlake bar Thursday night, injuring 12 people inside. Obviously, any injured person would have a cause of action against the driver of the stolen vehicle but as a practical matter would be a waste...Read More

Bruce Taubman: Not Your Standard Cleveland Car Accident Attorney
A glimpse into how we handle new car accident cases at Taubman Law Alice came in one afternoon in the first week of October, after being greeted by our staff and asked if she would like a beverage, I introduced myself to her and brought her into the conference room to intake her information and try to explain to her how this whole process works. From the onset, I could she was nervous and was...Read More
April 2014 Settlements
A 2004 claim which our Client forgot even existed we settled for $600 We settled a client’s 2005 and 2007 workers compensation claims that went out of employers experience for $4,000.00. Client received a 2nd tax refund that cost him nothing A 2004 claim finally went out of school district’s experience and brought in $2,000.00 for our client. Workers Comp/Personal Injury...Read More