by TaubBachaMarch 23, 2022 Ohio Workers’ Compensation FAQs, Ohio Workers’ Compensation Law0 comments
Ohio Workers’ Compensation FAQs — Dealing with a Denial of Treatment
Dealing with denial of treatment? Ohio supports one of the largest workers’ compensation systems in the U.S. In 2019, Ohio’s Bureau of Workers’ Compensation (BWC) took care of more than 95,000 claims for a wide range of on-the-job illnesses and injuries. However, even though several billion dollars were paid out as compensation to workers, not every injured workers’ claim was accepted....Read More
by TaubBachaSeptember 21, 2020 Lawsuits, Ohio Workers’ Compensation FAQs, Ohio Workers’ Compensation Law0 comments
Thinking Outside The Box Approach to Ohio Workers’ Compensation
Taubman Law, is the only firm that thinks outside the box in Ohio. Any attorney can file a C-92 on a workers’ compensation claim or settle a rear-end collision. But how do we separate ourselves from the countless other Law Firms? Imagine our client Jim, Jim is a cook who was locked in a cooler. His workers’ compensation claim was allowed for a contusion of his right hand and a strain of...Read More

by TaubBachaMay 9, 2020 COVID-19, Ohio Workers’ Compensation FAQs, Ohio Workers’ Compensation Law, Workers' Comp0 comments
COVID-19 in the workplace
Taubman Law wants to make sure those in the frontlines protecting us in Ohio, get the protection they need and deserve. If you are an essential worker, including but not limited to emergency and health care workers, police officers, firefighters, paramedics, emergency medical technicians, correctional officers, nurses, home health care workers, grocery workers, etc, contact us to discuss your...Read More

by Bruce TaubmanDecember 18, 2019 Ohio BWC, Ohio Workers’ Compensation FAQs, Ohio Workers’ Compensation Law, Workers' Comp, Workers' Compensation Claims0 comments
Who Pays for Ohio Workers’ Compensation Benefits?
By understanding who pays for Ohio workers’ compensation benefits, you’ll have a better understanding of who you’re dealing with. Read More

by Bruce TaubmanJune 21, 2019 Occupational Disease, Ohio BWC, Ohio Workers’ Compensation FAQs, Ohio Workers’ Compensation Law, Permanent Partial Disability, Workers' Comp, Workers' Compensation Claims, Workers’ Compensation Retaliation0 comments
Workers’ Compensation Statute of Limitations — How Long Do Claims Stay Open?
There is a workers’ compensation statute of limitations in Ohio, and if you miss it, you’ll be out of luck and without the compensation you need. Read More

by Bruce TaubmanMarch 15, 2019 Ohio BWC, Ohio Workers’ Compensation Law, Workers' Comp, Workers' Compensation Claims, Workers’ Compensation Retaliation0 comments
First Responders Workers’ Compensation: Protecting Ohio’s Firefighters, Police Officers, and Emergency Personnel
When it comes to first responders workers’ compensation, Taubman Law treats police officers, firefighters, and paramedics like the heroes they are. Read More

by Bruce TaubmanMarch 8, 2019 Ohio BWC, Ohio Workers’ Compensation FAQs, Ohio Workers’ Compensation Law, Permanent Partial Disability, Workers' Comp0 comments
Understanding Permanent Partial Disability Benefits in Ohio
If you suffered a workplace injury, you may be eligible for PTD. The question is, how do you go about getting permanent partial disability benefits in Ohio? Read More

by Bruce TaubmanFebruary 22, 2019 Ohio BWC, Ohio Workers’ Compensation FAQs, Ohio Workers’ Compensation Law, Temporary Total Disability, Workers' Comp0 comments
Are You Eligible for Temporary Total Disability in Ohio?
How do you determine what rights you have when it comes to temporary total disability in Ohio? This blog has the answers you need. Read More

by Bruce TaubmanSeptember 7, 2018 Ohio BWC, Ohio Workers’ Compensation FAQs, Ohio Workers’ Compensation Law, Self-Insured Employers, Workers' Comp, Workers' Compensation Claims, Workers’ Compensation Retaliation0 comments
Ohio Workers’ Compensation FAQs — Dealing With Workers’ Compensation Retaliation
In Ohio, employers cannot harass, demote, or discharge an injured worker because they filed a workers’ compensation claim. If you’re dealing with workers’ compensation retaliation, here’s what to do. Read More

by Bruce TaubmanAugust 31, 2018 Ohio BWC, Ohio Workers’ Compensation FAQs, Ohio Workers’ Compensation Law, Public Employees, Workers' Comp, Workers' Compensation Claims0 comments
Ohio Workers’ Compensation FAQs — How Does Workers’ Compensation for Public Employees Work?
If you’re a public employee, you have the same rights as any other worker. But there are things you need to know about workers’ compensation for public employees. Read More