Filing a Successful Workers’ Comp Claim to Cover Workplace Depression
You feel empty and lifeless, lacking a desire to simply get out of bed in the morning and struggling to find elements of enjoyment in life. While everyone experiences their share of up and downs, depression represents a serious illness. One of the most common mental disorders, it can wreak havoc on your life and make maintaining a job nearly impossible. As the healthcare industry has evolved...Read More

Motorcyclist’s Guide: Filing a Personal Injury Claim Following an Accident
Let’s face it: Riding a motorcycle is cool. There’s a thrill involved that’s hard to replicate with any other motor vehicle. You cruise fast and free on a two-wheel speed machine sporting an element of rebellion. Unfortunately, though, that thrill is matched by an increased level of vulnerability. Motorcycle accidents represent one of the leading causes of death in the...Read More

When a “Slip and Fall” Personal Injury Claim Makes Sense
During the journey through life, we are all prone to fall from time to time. The threat first emerges during early childhood and never ceases throughout the course of a lifetime. But even though we, as humans, are clumsy by nature, not all falls are created equal. While we are personally responsible for injuries sustained from many falls, in some cases another individual should bear the...Read More

The Lowdown on Occupational Disease: How Does it Differ from Workplace Injury?
Workplace perils take many forms. They can be loud and swift or silent and gradual. In the case of occupational disease – any chronic ailment that occurs as a result of work or occupational activity – it’s typically the latter. In fact, many occupational diseases occur so gradually that workers don’t initially draw a connection between their employment and their ailment. Unlike a workplace...Read More

The Hidden Value in Older Claims for Workers’ Compensation
Like a fine wine or smart housing investment, your workers’ compensation claim need not lose its value with age. If you have an older claim for workers’ compensation in Ohio for which you are no longer receiving significant benefits – or even no longer receiving any benefits at all – you may be able to settle that claim for a cash payment. Why, you ask? Let’s just say the rules of the game...Read More

Ohio’s Wrongful Death Laws: What Do You Need to Know?
It’s not an easy topic to discuss, and yet it must be done. If your loved one passed away as the result of negligence or poor behavior by another person, chances are you’ll be inclined to take action. Wrongful death – defined in Ohio as death “caused by wrongful act, neglect or default” – implies that unfortunate fate could have been avoided had it not been for that other person’s misdeeds....Read More

by Bruce TaubmanJanuary 19, 2016 Frequnetly Asked Ohio Workers Compensation Questions, Workers' Comp0 comments
Is Lump Sum Advancement the Right Choice for Your Workers’ Comp Payment?
An injury on the job always seems to occur at the most inopportune time. As the old Murphy’s Law adage goes, “Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong.” Thankfully, there’s no need for you and your family to endure financial misery while waiting for workers’ compensation checks to arrive periodically. Under Ohio law, injured workers facing financial hardships have the right to apply for Lump...Read More

by Bruce TaubmanJanuary 4, 2016 Frequnetly Asked Ohio Workers Compensation Questions, Workers' Comp0 comments
When an Employer Disputes a Workers’ Compensation Claim
Here’s the harsh reality of workers’ compensation: Just because you believe you’re entitled to a claim doesn’t mean your employer will necessarily agree. In fact, in all likelihood you’ll need to fight to win your compensation claim – either through a settlement or in a court of law. Why you ask? Simply put, workers’ compensation claims cost your employer money. Under our current workers’...Read More

Hurt in a Car Accident? Familiarize Yourself with the Personal Injury Process
It’s a traumatic situation that could impact almost anyone on any given day. But knowing what to expect beforehand will go a long way toward easing your mind should you ever find yourself involved in a car accident. When a car accident occurs, the at-fault driver will be held responsible financially for any damages and injuries that resulted (at least in most states, including Ohio)....Read More

Dog Bites and Personal Injury — What You Need to Know
Beloved by many, yet dangerous to some. Our canine companions represent our best friends, but — in the worst-case scenarios — can also serve as a source of fear and pain for our neighbors and community. Dog bites affect thousands of Americans annually, yet not enough people are aware of the legal implications. In many cases, the victim of a dog bite has a legal right to file a...Read More