When Does Life Begin? Taubman Law Says a Judge Needs to Decide
The tragedy at University Hospitals continues, and Taubman Law continues to fight for its clients.
After the liquid nitrogen storage tank that holds stored eggs and embryos at the UH Ahuja Medical Center was compromised due to temperature fluctuations, patients waited for more information and hoped and prayed that their over 4,000 eggs and embryos would still be viable.
Unfortunately, the news wasn’t good. In a letter sent to the 950 patients, UH stated that the eggs and embryos are not viable and are lost forever.
Taubman Law clients — and countless others — had their lives and future aspirations crushed, destroyed, and changed forever. We’ve been fighting hard, spreading the word, and doing all we can to bring justice and some measure of relief to the families dealing with this horrible situation.
Taubman Law Continues to Fight and Look For Answers
After 11 miscarriages, Taubman Law clients Wendy and Rick Penniman had two healthy children with the help of UH. Sadly, there won’t be a third due to UH’s mistakes.
Taubman Law has already filed a second lawsuit for the Pennimans, seeking a Declaratory Judgment. The key question we want to be answered is: when does life begin? According to Bruce Taubman, the judge assigned to the case must make that determination, as it’s vital to the determination of the parties rights and responsibilities.
The Pennimans believe that life begins at conception, and that means that their embryos that were destroyed by UH, are, in fact, people. However, the decision must be based on law, not emotion.
If the judge determines that the embryos have the same legal status that people do, then the Pennimans could seek action for wrongful death.
We don’t know when this ruling will be decided, but Taubman Law will continue to fight until we get the answers that the Pennimans — and all our clients — deserve.
Were you affected by this injustice? Send us a message here for a free, confidential consultation, or call us at (216) 621-0794. Taubman Law cares about you and your family and we will help you get justice.
This post was written by Cleveland attorney Bruce Taubman, who practices workers’ compensation, personal injury, and medical malpractice throughout Ohio.
Taubman Law primarily practices in personal injury, medical malpractice, workers’ compensation law, and employment discrimination throughout Northeast Ohio and beyond. For more than 40 years, the Taubman Law Family has been helping our clients receive the compensation that they deserve. Come and see us at our Ohio City office (1826 West 25th) for a free consultation or contact us here to set up an appointment. A lawyer who cares is right around the corner. Taubman Law — Smaller, Smarter, Better.