Ohio Workers’ Compensation Benefits: How to Determine Your Eligibility
If you suffered a workplace injury, you’re probably wondering if you are entitled to workers’ compensation benefits. But how do you determine your eligibility for Ohio workers’ compensation benefits?
While the Ohio workers’ compensation benefits eligibility process may seem complicated on the surface, having a basic understanding of the three main factors dictating coverage provides a degree of clarity to even the murkiest situations. And when you know where you stand beforehand, you can ease your stress level should you ever find yourself the victim of a workplace accident.
The 3 Primary Factors Affecting Eligibility for Ohio Workers’ Compensation Benefits
1. Your Employer Carries Workers’ Compensation Insurance
Most companies are legally required to carry workers’ comp insurance. While some states don’t mandate coverage for companies with a small number of employees, Ohio law requires an active worker’s comp policy regardless of company size. Still, since exceptions do exist, it’s worthwhile to double check with a trusted legal expert like Taubman Law, especially if your employer claims to be exempt from the Ohio workers’ compensation benefits statute.
2. You Truly Qualify as an Employee of That Company
Generally-speaking, independent contractors and volunteers do not qualify as employees from the standpoint of workers’ comp coverage. However, because employers often wrongly classify workers as independent contractors when they should, in fact, be considered full-fledged employees, you should consult an attorney if you have any doubt regarding your employment status.
3. Your Injury or Illness Occurred as a Result of Employment
Assuming you suffered a work-related injury or illness, then you’re likely eligible to receive Ohio workers’ compensation benefits. Of course, many contributing factors can impact eligibility and a fair amount of gray area exists. For instance, if you were intoxicated while at work or if your injury didn’t occur at work, yet had some connection with your job, it may prove more difficult to achieve workers’ comp coverage.
Ultimately, when your personal circumstance seems complicated, you need legal representation that can cut through the fog and achieve clarity. An experienced workers’ compensation attorney could mean the difference between receiving a determination of ineligibility or securing adequate benefits coverage.
At Taubman Law, we strive to ensure you receive the workers’ compensation benefits you deserve. We will advise you of your rights and fight your legal battle tirelessly on your behalf.
This post was written by Cleveland attorney Bruce Taubman, who practices workers’ compensation, personal injury, and medical malpractice throughout Ohio.
Taubman Law primarily practices in personal injury, medical malpractice, workers’ compensation law, and employment discrimination throughout Northeast Ohio and beyond. For more than 40 years, the Taubman Law Family has been helping our clients receive the compensation that they deserve. Come and see us at our Ohio City office (1826 West 25th) for a free consultation or contact us here to set up an appointment. A lawyer who cares is right around the corner. Taubman Law — Smaller, Smarter, Better.