Seeking an Ohio Workers Comp Lawyer? We’re Here to Help
You don’t need an attorney to file a claim if you have suffered an on-the-job accident. However, an experienced worker’s compensation attorney can help you ensure that your rights are fully protected and help employees seek Ohio Workers Comp settlements.
Why do you need to protect your workers’ comp claims? To qualify for workers’ comp benefits, you must follow the appropriate steps. To start, you should immediately complete and file a written accident report once you suffer a work injury. Additionally, you should also file a first report of injury claim with the Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation as soon as possible. You can file this form as the injured worker, but you can also have your treating physician, your employer, or an attorney complete and file this claims on your behalf. Nothing starts until you obtain a claim number.
When you first file your report, the Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation will issue you a claim number. A claim number establishes an electronic file for you; however, filing a claim does not guarantee that you will receive benefits.
If your employer or anyone else contests the claim, the Bureau will refer the claim to the Ohio Industrial Commission for a hearing. You, your employer and your employer’s appointed representatives will receive a hearing notice. In some cases, an attorney from the Bureau will also appear on behalf of the Bureau at an Industrial Commission hearing.
Contested claims require Industrial Commission hearings. If an injured worker receives a hearing notice, it is a contested claim. In that case, it is imperative that the injured worker obtain legal representation.
Work with Taubman Law to Settle Your Workers’ Comp Claim
It is because of this long process that it’s essential you work with an accomplish workers’ compensation firm to protect your claim. With decades of experience in workers’ comp claims, Taubman Law knows how to make your process go smoothly and help you understand how the process works. If there’s potential for difficulty in your case, we want you to understand your best course of action.
If you decide to retain our services, there is no financial risk. In the rare event that we are unsuccessful, you do not have to pay us anything. We only ask for payment if we are successful in getting you the benefits you need.
Do you have a workers’ compensation claim from more than five years ago? If so, you may be able to settle your claim for cash without your employer’s signature if you are no longer employed there.
Your claim deserves a smaller, smarter, and better approach to protection. Contact us today for a free consultation about how we can help you protect your claim and the benefits you deserve.